How to Read Oahspe
OahspeThe Eloists, after having read Oahspe many, many times, have a few suggestions that we would like to humbly submit to new students of Oahspe based on our own experience over many decades:
Please don’t read Oahspe like you would read a mystery novel, i.e., in a hurry, gobbling up the words by the mouthful. Speed reading would be selling yourself so short, squandering much of the precious time and effort you have allotted to the process.
By its very nature Oahspe necessitates a slower reading, however impatient you may be to see what will follow on the next page. You will miss so much deeply significant information both within and between the lines! Do yourself the favor of slowing down, taking the time necessary, in spite of your impatience to “get through” the expanse of pages in the volume before you!
After having literally finished well over more than 20 readings of Oahspe, cover to cover, over many decades, we recommend reading as if you were listening to an audio book or as if you were reading aloud to a sincerely interested audience; perhaps seeing in your mind’s eye the dialogue as it might actually have been spoken.
We, by necessity, have also read just this way as we have taken turns reading aloud in our “council meetings.” It is done this way not only for our own enjoyment and benefit, but also for the benefit of the callow es’yans who are brought amongst us by their angelic caretakers to listen and to learn about the way of things in the heavenly realms that they have so recently entered. It is all so new and there is so much to learn! No one makes that transition called “death” to find themselves already wise by some act of magic. If only it could be so easy!
Reading in this manner, in spite of having read the volume so many times, allows us to have new and surprising insights every time from both what is written in the lines before us, as well as by what is implied between the lines! (Things so easy to overlook in our impatience to move ahead - as we do with everything else in our “fast-paced” world!).
This is understandable because each time we approach the book again for our next reading, we approach it as a new person who is older, maybe wiser and, hopefully, more spiritually mature. You will see things that you really didn’t see the last time around! So, often we exclaim, “This is so weighty! How is it that we never saw this before?”
How, indeed!